E.M.C (Eugene Milne Cosgrove) addresses the following
question to the Tibetan:
The Master
in “Heart” has various applications of the phrase “the mother of the world”. I confess I miss His
intention very often, because I cannot relate it to my poor understanding of the phrase.
The Tibetan
replies exactly as follows:
“I have not read the book Heart and so do not know in what sense the writer uses the phrase to which you refer. I gather that you
believe that a Master has written the book. He has written parts of it,
inspired some of it and left it to the intuition of the publisher to supply the rest. I would remind you that the book is very
badly translated and the true sense of the words used has often been lost. All I can, therefore, do to aid you is to give
you the various ways in which the phrase can mean a number of differing things. It can mean:
feminine aspect of manifestation, symbolised for us in many of the world religions as the virgin mother and in the Christian
religion as the Virgin Mary. It is that substance which enables Deity to manifest.
itself, the mother of all forms.
moon also, who is the symbol of the generative, creative life which gives birth to forms and therefore the symbol of the form
concentration of the feminine force in nature in some individual in female form who is then called the “World Mother”.
Such an individual has never existed in our particular planetary life, though the avatars of a pervious solar system, expressing
itself through planetary life, always took this form. But not in this solar system. The tradition of such appearances is purely
symbolic, inherited from the previous solar system from which we inherited the matter of which all manifested forms are made.
This symbolism has come down from the far-off period of the Matriarchate, which had a religion which recalled the ancient
ways of the earlier solar system and win which period of time Lilith symbolised the World Mother, until Eve took her place.
The feminine counterpart of Sanat
Kumara is often spoken of as His wife by certain so-called esoteric groups. They believe that she exists. When I say that
I know of no such person nor have ever heard her spoken of in hierarchical circles, you can draw your own conclusions. The
JPC: The Tibetan DK tells us "Sanat Kumara alone, in this scheme, is self-sustaining and self-sufficient".
Sanat Kumara therefore has no actual "wife" and even such mention by Buddhist teachings only refer to such symbolism as consort
when presenting the feminine or matter "world substance" aspect of manifestation as a vehicle for deity or redeeming solar
angels, Chohans and Kumaras. Sanat Kumara corresponds to the Monad/Head Brahmarandra thousand petalled lotus, and the "mother
of the world" to the base chakra Muladhara and kundalini. see EH46.
unpublished work from AAB and DK originally from the esoteric healing manuscript speaks on this. There is no such embodied
'consort' or wife, just as there is no such individual as the 'mother of the world'. DK is very clear on this. I am hopeful this important point presented by the Tibetan
will be considered and not materialized into husband and wife "nonsense" as is the case with some groups. Goddess worship
is strictly a carry over from the first solar system.
speaks clearly on this in that it is purely symbolic and not actual. This is the distinction I think disciples should give time to consider. He speaks on the concentration
in individual female form of a "World Mother" for such an individual identity has never existed in this solar system even
though some have no problem with the previous system being matriarchal. Maybe that's a duality that needs to be considered.
Such appearances are symbolic and indicate that which was far earlier and have karmicly carried over with much else that was
carried over that is not of out time. This is occultism that we are trying to get to grips with. What is being spoken of is
a female aspirant following a particular path and offering compassion and as you say taking some action. Occultly speaking
she is not a "World Mother" or avatar likened to the first solar system avatars. Again, DK is clear on this. There are many
nurses and doctors that are excellent humanitarians and offer compassion, sound psychology and excellent medical care. DK
speaks highly of these.
The Tibetan clearly tells us that "they think she exists", so it seems to be the case that such
has occurred and goddess worship is very much still in occurrence today even though DK has told us so much on this as per
the above. What he refers to is the wife to the King and that this is goddess worship and that occultly speaking and from
a Master of the Wisdom, it is very much not the case.
Occultism reinforces this constantly and I have demonstrated this many times. It is a fact that
the great heavenly men [manas] are divine hermaphrodites. No question about it. I think where a misunderstanding arrives is
in the reading of the occult information given on the previous Matriarchal solar system and the current Patriarchal or positive
solar system, also there is occult misunderstanding on the previous world mothers and female avatars and the now
only symbolic and Not Actual in fact, occurrences.
(the phrase, Mother of the World) can mean:
The feminine aspect of manifestation, symbolised for us in many of the world religions as the virgin mother and in the Christian
religion as the Virgin Mary. It is that substance which enables Deity to manifest.
Nature itself, the mother of all forms.
The moon also, who is the symbol of the generative, creative life which gives birth to forms and therefore the symbol of the
form nature.
The concentration of the feminine force in nature in some individual in female form who is then called the “World Mother”.
Such an individual has never existed in our particular planetary life, though the avatars of a previous solar system, expressing
itself through planetary life, always took this form. But not in this solar system. The tradition of such appearances is purely
symbolic, inherited from the previous solar system from which we inherited the matter of which all manifested forms are made.
This symbolism has come down from the far-off period of the Matriarchate, which had a religion which recalled the ancient
ways of the earlier solar system and win which period of time Lilith symbolised the World Mother, until Eve took her place.
The feminine counterpart of Sanat Kumara is often spoken of as His wife by certain so-called esoteric groups. They believe
that she exists. When I say that I know of no such person nor have ever heard her spoken of in hierarchical circles, you can
draw your own conclusions." The Tibetan.
to this, let us see if we can better understand this when looking at something from EA. DK states...
point which should here be noted is that the influence of the moon is purely symbolic in nature and in effect and is simply
the result of ancient thought and teaching (descended to us from Lemurian times) and is not based upon any true radiation
or influence. In those far off times, antedating even Lemuria and constituting in Lemurian days simply an ancient tradition,
the moon appeared to be a living vital entity. But I would have you bear definitely in mind that today the moon is nothing
more than a dead form. It has no emanation and no radiation of any kind and, therefore, has no effect of any kind. The moon,
from the angle of the esoteric knower, is simply an obstruction in space - an undesirable form which must some day disappear.
In esoteric astrology, the effect of the moon is noted as a thought effect and as the result of a powerful and most ancient
thought-form; nevertheless, the moon has no quality of her own and can transmit nothing to the Earth. Let me reiterate: The
moon is a dead form; it has no emanation at all. " EA 13.
are told that there is no basis of true radiance or influence. This is very clear to understand regarding esoteric astrology
is it not? The exact same applies to first solar system goddess appearance, having true actual influence and radiance. The
same cannot be said to be true today, occultly speaking and all other teachers are teaching falsely if they claim such and
are subject to "ancient thought", and also disregard a key teaching in the esoteric astrology of AAB and the Tibetan. This
is a key and fundamental point being considered regarding "ancient thought and teaching" and one that should be given due
thought and consideration.
is important for the group to be presented with clear terms and definitions as far as possible. We were recently presented
such an offering representing the Kalachackra [times cycle] or wheel of time and for this we are grateful. Certain presentations
of this Buddhist teaching presents the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara as Kalachakra, in reality due to the office as head
of Shamballa the first kumara and keeper of the book of cyclic law and the Teachings of Shamballa. He is the King referred
to in these Buddhist teachings representing as has been indicated the buddhic/manasic principle and over-soul of the human
solar angels and deva kingdom.
such Buddhist teachings is the mother of the world represented as Vishvamata, again in reality of the second phase teachings
of Alice Bailey, presented as the base chakra universal life Kundelini represented as the opposite aspect or feminine material
substance. Kalachakra and Vishvamata is or should be clearly understood to be the so called symbolism of Buddhist Yab-yum
or yin-yang father-mother of the symbolic whole 'as above so below' of the cosmic physical plane. It is purely symbolic of
the coming together of spirit and matter.
teaching certainly does not speak literally of a wife to the King or actual consort to the King residing in fourth sub plane
etheric matter. The teachings of AAB and DK tell us "Only the King persists steadily and watchfully in active physical incarnation"
within Shamballa along with three esoteric and three exoteric kumaras or "Buddhas of activity" distributing energy and force
from other planetary logi. DK tells us "Sanat Kumara alone, in this scheme, is self-sustaining and self-sufficient". Sanat
Kumara therefore has no actual "wife" and even such mention by Buddhist teachings only refer to such symbolism as consort
when presenting the feminine or matter "world substance" aspect of manifestation as a vehicle for deity or redeeming solar
angels, Chohans and Kumaras. Sanat Kumara corresponds to the Monad/Head Brahmarandra thousand petalled lotus, and the "mother
of the world" to the base chakra Muladhara and kundalini. see EH46.
make clear this distinction The following unpublished work from AAB and DK originally from the esoteric healing manuscript
speaks on this. There is no such embodied 'consort' or wife, just as there is no such individual as the 'mother of the world'.
DK is very clear on this. I am hopeful this important point presented by the Tibetan will be considered and not materialised
into husband and wife "nonsense" as is the case with some groups. Buddhism [exoteric] needs to be clarified and reformed and
DK tells us that some day two trained disciples will be sent by the Buddha to correct misinterpreted and dogmatised teachings
along truer lines for the reason that "Buddhism will be spreading and becoming increasingly dogmatic." At that time, "The
Buddha will send two trained disciples to reform Buddhism" see EXT 573. I am sure we can see today why this will someday be
the case.
on the phrase "Mother of the World":
feminine counterpart of Sanat Kumara is often spoken of as His wife by certain so-called esoteric groups. They believe that
she exists. When I say that I know of no such person nor have ever heard her spoken of in hierarchical circles, you can draw
your own conclusions." The Tibetan.
both the ageless wisdom of AAB and FLD make reference to an ancient age of the Matriarch. The feminine abuses are clearly
distinguished in the Temple Teachings and so views this struggle from the angle of karma. This is probably rarely thought
of. DK however makes clear that the matriarchal influence was originally of the previous solar system and was carried over,
as with so much, to bring out of time an undue feminine religious worship that "recalled the ancient ways of the earlier solar
system". It is this religious tendency that DK tells us some 'so called' esoteric groups perpetuate bringing we might intuit
and think a host of effects harping back to the previous solar system.
might then be forgiven to conclude that current solar system religions based on the patriarchal emphasis has been a karmic
effect or that such religion based on the masculine was right for the time. Abuses today or of recent centuries as we are
aware of with current over emphasis of the male in status is passing and we as occultists know why. DK stresses that equality
of the sexes is important and correct. On this we agree and we see it in co masonry and other religions having male/female
ranks of reverence or hierarchy, at least in earlier status.
'battle of the sexes' as DK discusses is in full sway and as you point out Libra governs this. We must keep in mind that a
balance is needed and not continual striving for underhand or emphasis of old ways or of that unnecessary to spiritual development.
I think DK is lucid in the role of the male and female together.
mystical and overly sweet feminine or Mother attribution is highly glamoured and misunderstood just because past glamours
and times are tuned into. Truth in a clear cold and respectful light should be the goal. Mary was said to have been a teacher
with disciples and she would have taught occultism and right human relations. She was an Initiate and where symbolically she
emphasised or stressed the motherly aspect, Jesus turned to her and said " I do not know you". He cut the family relationship
and emphasises his family humanity. This should be clearly thought of by the contemporary disciple. Jesus knew Mary the Initiate
and refused to recognise the earthly mother aspect. Jesus walked the path of Initiation as did Mary though she symbolically
demonstrated the mother or third ray aspect that Jesus refused. However I think Mary would have been present at the resurrection
of Jesus and able to 'see him' or sense him.
would be akin to where DK tells us that the numerous pictures of Jesus bear no resemblance to him as they picture only weak
or sweetly suffering Jesus and not the true man. This has been the case with Miriam and her subsequent worship grossly distorted
beyond her recognition.
informs us of the feminine counterpart of Sanat Kumara, our "KING" and this is the deva aspect responsible to the deva kingdom.
As for Humanity we are the masculine counterpart with male female resolving a duality or splitting or separating of the sexes
the division of the sexless state. SK is though for humanity, representing the masculine aspect and therefore in this solar
system which is a masculine one stands as our KING. He also came from the Venus
I am saying it was Mary who symbolised the matter or third aspect and the Master Jesus who took the resurrection initiation.
Mary did though, in my view symbolise and probably was a transfigured personality of the third degree, along with Joseph.
I think "lustrous veil" describes exactly what DK tells us. The veil of the form and of matter and of the hidden or veiled
Christ consciousness that shall stand upon the mount of transfiguration. As Mary symbolised with AAB hint I think, all third degree Initiates demonstrate and embody the symbology of the third ray solar system and of the transfiguration of That matter and of
the consciousness masked or imprisoned by it. Hence the Tibetans advisory that "The concentration of the feminine force in
nature in some individual in female form"... "has never existed in our particular planetary life".
So lets take a look at the AY
quote below... The 'old world' or "far off world of the matriarch" per DK, rejected or was later rejected, under law, and
correctly, as being that which lays behind and not even of this solar system, and therefore karmicly past. The New world or
age perceives the lustrous veil of the form as the repository of the
glorious Christ consciousness that shall at
some stage stand upon the mount of transfiguration.
This as the Christ indicates to his disciples, and it is for
them to 'begin to perceive that lustrous veil and the redemption of matter in all her eventual glory as every atom becoming
a Christ in consciousness. DK indicated to read AY with advisory as it was 'poorly translated' and I would say therefore is
sometimes poorly interpreted. JPC.
“The old world rejected
the Mother of the World, but the New World begins to perceive Her lustrous veil.” (Agni Yoga, 20, 55)
"All this as part of the nurturing function of the mother of the world, who nourishes the form and also the Christ-consciousness latent in the form." LH
"the Virgin Mary regarded her body, as the repository of
the hidden Christ, and we shall look forward to that momentous day when we, too, shall stand upon the Mount of Transfiguration, revealing the glory of the Lord through
the medium of our bodies."Bethlehem to Calvery. 136. Alice bailey.
"The great angel who was once the mother of the body of Jesus is filling the post of World-Mother." C.W.Ledbeater.
JC: The Tibetan DK clearly
informs us that such a post as 'World Mother' does not exist in this solar system as
an individual and is a relic from the previous third ray solar system being portrayed as "purely symbolic" by Lilith, Mary, Isis
and Eve. Some of what CWL had said was stated by DK to be 'over materialised'. This is obviously one such case.
true symbolic interpretation of the RC doctrine is of the redemption of matter of the body and the raising into spiritualisation
of the atoms of the form. This is planetary redemption undertaken by every disciple in incarnation under guidance and governance
of Sanat Kumara.
CWL tells us it is the truth that the RC church tells us on this matter of assumption. I posit it
is again materialised and that Mary mother of Jesus had not in that same lifetime "attained in that same life the level of
Having reached that, and finding the seven paths open before her, she chose to enter the glorious Deva evolution."
however think we have a hint, perhaps, at Mary's status. Alice bailey tells us that the "Virgin Mary regarded her body, as
the repository of the hidden Christ" then continues to mention "the Mount of Transfiguration." The theme and symbolic representation
of the gospel was of Jesus and Christ taking the Initiations as a representation of the spiritual path. This had been done
many times we are told in ancient times. It was not of Mary taking the fifth in that life. Also there is no such department
of hierarchy as the 'great department of Motherhood', this is again a materialisation of truth and of the "far-off period
of the Matriarchate" mentioned by DK.
Mary then was not the 'World Mother' as the Tibetan clearly tells us in esoteric
healing. It was Jesus the Christ that was resurrected not Mary, who symbolised the matter or mother aspect. Jesus ascended
and raised into heaven the spiritualised atoms of the form through redemption of that matter. That matter was returned to
the great reservoir of substance to be reused on a higher spiral by another Master/Initiate. Mary was it seems, a third degree
Initiate [as St Paul became from Saul] providing for Jesus along with Joseph a body refined and fit for his use. The "name
Mary means "the exalted of the Lord" according to AAB. In GWP we read "is being redeemed and drawn upwards until some day
we shall see the transfiguration of that substance and the "Glorification of the Virgin Mary" - the Mother Aspect in relation
to divinity." This again refers to the substance of the earth and of humanities base thought forms being redeemed and transfigured
symbolised in Mary mother of Jesus. JPC.
October 4 - 15 2011.